Earn A Living Doing Meaningful Things For Others

A simple thought with a huge upside.

Travis Hubbard
3 min readJun 8, 2021

External indicators seem to indicate that I have my shit together, leading the unsuspecting to occasionally ask for, or read, my thoughts on things.

My niece recently kicked up a conversation with me about careers, jobs, education, and training, triggered by the fact that she hates her current job and wants to do something more meaningful with her life.

I had to think about that for a minute before I responded.

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Meaningful to who?

When I asked her that question she just sat there for a second and said she didn’t know how to answer.

In my mind there are only a handful of answers:

  • meaningful to you,
  • meaningful to someone else,
  • or meaningful to the world at large.

Maybe there are more, but those are the three that come to me at the moment.

The point of me asking the question was to get her to think.

What’s meaningful to me?

I want to do things that make me feel like my life has meaning. Pretty sure we all do. So I strive to find meaning in everything that I do, even if the…



Travis Hubbard

Developer, writer, digital alchemist. 30 years in software. MEng Stevens.